A huntress, who commands a pack of augmented cyberhounds.
Weapon of choice: she fights through her cyberpak as well as with
crossbow-like weapons.
The leader of the Furies, and Desaad's sister. She has a constant feud going
on with Lashina, who wants to be the Furies' leader. Bernadeth was even killed
by Lashina, but Darkseid brought her back and killed Lashina in return. Sicne
then Lashina's been brought back, and Bernadeth keeps her under her heel.
Weapon of choice: the Fahren-knife, which causes the victim to burn from the
inside out.
The toughest of the Furies. She has had an ongoing feud with Bernadeth over
the true leadership of the Furies since Barda left. On one mission, to rescue
Glorious Godfrey on Earth, Lashina was ambushed by Bernadeth while escaping, and
was injured, contracting amnesia. She later joined the Suicide Squad as Duchess
(whether or not she knew she was Lashina at this point is uncertain), a
gun-toting powerhouse of a woman. Some time later she recruited several members
of the Squad, and captured others, and returned to Apokolips, to confront
Bernadeth adn the Furies. She managed to kill Bernadeth, giving her control of
the Furies at last. But Darkseid killed Lashina for bringing unnecessary
violence to Apokolips. She was later resurrected by Darkseid, and has since
served under Bernadeth's command, although the friction between the two still
Weapon of choice: Lashina is a master of steel "lashes," which has always
been her primary weapon.
Mad Harriet
A pyschopathic killer. Plain and simple.
Weapon of choice: her energy claws, which she uses to amuse herself in
slashing her helpless victims with.
The powerhouse of the Furies.. She fights with full force, with no
Weapon of choice: her bulk strength and her gunboots.